1·It should integrate the target-oriented quality control over common diseases with that of difficulty and complicated diseases, as well as integrate DRGs quality control with case quality control.
2·Thanks to these and other factors, developing teams must become more efficient, more nimble, and more quality-oriented.
3·Object oriented design questions are very important, as they demonstrate the quality of a candidate's code a poor performance on this type of question raises serious red flags.
4·Most were small, domestically oriented firms that combined low cost, low quality and exploitation of workers, says Mr Hassenfeld.
5·Thanks to these and other factors, development teams must become more efficient, more nimble, and more quality-oriented.
6·If there is a good relationship between the two, then we should be able to utilize MDSD to help produce high quality and efficient systems compliant with a service-oriented architectural style.
7·We carefully selected only those people who could bring high quality and commitment to the mission, and who were compatible with the team-oriented, customer-oriented culture we were building.
8·TQM is a process-oriented system built on the belief that quality is a matter of conforming to a customer’s requirements.
9·The following sections examine how RUP and tools in the IBM Software Development Platform support quality-oriented practices in each process discipline.
10·Being detail-oriented is a quality the volunteer organizers have already decided to continue nurturing after the event.